The Role of Parents and Guardians

Through inquiry and critical thinking, Futuro Verde students develop their knowledge.  They produce authentic work in the form of presentations, projects and written assignments to further solidify and demonstrate this knowledge.  Inspired by the International Baccalaureate (IB) application process, as well as our values and learner profile, Futuro Verde is focusing on academic honesty.

Academic honesty occurs where principled learners, acting with integrity, honesty and respect for others, produce authentic work which properly acknowledges their sources and the intellectual property of others.  Put simply – students produce work based on their own ideas, using their own words.  Where they do not use all their own ideas and words they must properly show the source of their content.

Parents play a major role in ensuring that their students are academically honest and produce authentic work.  Think about the example you are setting and remember that it is best if good habits start early!  We often see cheap DVDs for sale in the street – buy them and you are supporting the theft of intellectual property.  Suggesting your child copy from a book or website to help them get the project they left to the night before finished? Plagiarism.  Writing some words on their project for them, drawing part of their art project?  Collusion.  Be careful that parent/guardian help does not go too far and become doing.  If your student appears to need that much help then perhaps they are attempting something they are not yet ready for?  Help them by trying to simplify the task.  Instill and develop positive and honest study skills in your children: remind them to put the information in their own words; encourage them to keep a list of the websites they visit during the research phase; suggest they use an online plagiarism checker (links in the student planner).  If your elementary student asks you to be too involved, or if you see your secondary student using copy and paste, maybe gently ask, “Are you going to put your name on that project? Only your name? Then it should only be your own work.”

Information regarding the school academic honesty policy can be found in the school handbook, along with some helpful hints and reminders in the student planners.  In addition, teachers will provide continuous coaching and support to ensure student success.

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