As we prepare for the planting season, Futuro Verde students and staff are shifting their focus to producing soil amendments that are good for the environment. With the help of our fiscal sponsor Green Wave, we will focus on establishing a composting program that will reduce water consumption, cut methane emissions in landfills, improve soil health and reduce the amount of food waste entering the trash.

The recipe for making compost that facilitates the growth of healthy microorganisms that break down our food waste is quite easy, requiring only four  ingredients:  nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and water. 

Nitrogen is an essential building block of life and facilitates growth and reproduction in both plants and animals. Green items for nitrogen include items such as grass clippings, food scraps and coffee grounds.

Another essential element for life is carbon, which can be found in brown plant material. Carbon is the primary food source for decomposers, keeping them alive while breaking down our waste. Carbon rich items for compost can include dead leaves, sticks, paper, or cardboard.

Like any other life form, compost also requires a balance of oxygen and water to survive. When combined with the right temperature and regular maintenance, you can create compost that builds healthy soil, reduces water usage, and eliminates pests at Futuro Verde.

To achieve our goal of creating a composting program at Futuro Verde, we will work in conjunction with Green Wave to train our teachers, staff and students to implement systems that will allow our food forest to flourish. The end result, a sustainable campus making a positive impact on the planet and growing food that will nourish our students today and into the Future!

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