independencia costarricense, 15 de Septiembre

September 15th is the Costa Rican Independence Day, which will be celebrated in the entire country. In this country, as in the rest of Central America, the students carry the responsibility of organizing the most important activities on this day. The aim is to teach them honor, values, patriotism and respect and learn about history and tradition.

In 1964, Alfredo Cruz Bolaños, a Costa Rican citizen, had the idea to represent the years of struggle leading up to the independence with fire. That same year, a group of countrymen descended from Guatemala to our country, in order to awaken a tradition. The torch of freedom is carried from Nicaragua to Cartago the day before Independence Day, with students running different stretches and passing the torch on each time. Likewise,  students of educational centers nationwide run with the torch and pass the fire on from school to school on the 15th of September.

Children play an important role in the September celebrations, as they are the main participants. Our students feel excited about the upcoming events and are rehearsing enthusiastically for the typical dances, creating their lanters and looking forward to running with the Torch. 


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