On April 23rd, we celebrated Earth Day at Futuro Verde with costumes, activities and workshops. Thanks to the collaboration of students, parents and friends, Refugio Romelia, Cabo Blanco Reserva Absoluta and ASVO achieved the first, second and third place respectively, reaching 1,000 dollars raised before the closing date of the competition, April 27th.
It is with great enthusiasm that we share with you how the beneficiary organizations will use the funds raised at Futuro Verde:
Refugio Romelia can now afford to remunerate the volunteer coordinator for the coming  turtle season, starting in June and ending in January. Refugio Romelia coordinators are interns graduated in Biology or a related field of studies who have had previous experiences with turtles. They travel to Refugio Romelia as volunteers from other countries and receive $ 200 per month as a token of appreciation for their work protecting the species.
The funds raised for Cabo Blanco Reserva Absoluta will go towards repairing the public trail bridge and hosting ecological camps on site.
ASVO will use the donation to repair and finish the turtle hatchery, which is very important because it provides a safe and comfortable place where volunteers perform their duties and which serves as a patrol headquarters, both at night and during the day. They will also purchase research and environmental education materials.
The rest of the donations will go towards the Futuro Verde multipurpose sports field fund. Thanks to the initiative of our fourth grade student Margaret Holland and her companions Sofía Morales and Naomy Delgado, we will be able to sterilize and provide a better quality of life to our two school cats.
We thank all the people who supported both the students and the organizations.

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