Professional Development Semester II 2021

Futuro Verde Campus 624, Costa Rica, Cobano, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

No Classes Professional Development days are an important part of any professional and rigorous school. Firstly, we prioritize professional development for our staff in order to ensure they are highly and regularly trained in best-practice in education and are given the time needed to plan and prepare for high-quality instruction.

Semester II Parent Conferences and Delivery of Grades

Futuro Verde Campus 624, Costa Rica, Cobano, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Students have two opportunities in the year to receive direct feedback on their progress and growth in their subjects of study. At Futuro Verde, we set aside two days in each semester in order to have time to hold individual and private conferences with each student’s family. Primarily, this time is used to connect and […]

6th grade Graduation 2021

Futuro Verde Stage 624, Costa Rica, Cobano, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Graduation is always a time of great joy and celebration. Firstly, we have our 6th grade graduation which happens on our school campus and is supported by our elementary and preschool teachers. However, this big moment is most appreciated by our students because they are preparing for a big move to middle school.

End of School Year Winter Vacation 2021

VACATION Above all, staff and students eagerly await our regular vacation periods. Winter vacation is always in September and August and is a great time for staff and students to rest and rejuvenate in preparation for the final part of the school year.

12th grade Graduation 2021

Hotel Aves, Delicas , Costa Rica

Graduation is always a time of great joy and celebration. Finally, we have our 12th grade graduation which happens at a special off school location.  The event is supported by our middle and high school teachers. However, this big moment is most appreciated by our students because they are leaving us to move on to […]

Thanksgiving 2021

Futuro Verde Dining Hall , Costa Rica

Primarily, Thanksgiving is a time to come together and celebrate our unity as a community. Most importantly, we eat a delicious meal and share it as one big and happy family! The public is welcome and invited to attend, but they must reserve their spot ahead of time in order to have a place at […]

Costa Rican Teacher’s Day

No Classes We love our teachers and we celebrate their efforts each year on Costa Rican Teacher’s Day. Primarily, this is a rest day for our staff. However, it is also a fantastic time to remember to thank the teachers who have made a big impact on each of our lives.

Peace Day (Abolition of Costa Rican Military)

This is a special day to commemorate the abolition of the military in Costa Rica on December 1st in 1948. This declaration of peace ushered in an era of international recognition for peace, environmental protections, and tourism for Costa Rica.

Easter Vacation 2022

VACATION Easter Vacation is a holiday, first and foremost, known throughout the world. Firstly, it is important to know that this holiday is aligned to the national dates each year. Finally, for planning purposes, please remember that this is now a two week holiday for our staff and students.