Who are we? 

We are a group of dedicated parents and teachers (or staff) who share the goal of enriching the educational experience at our school. Any Futuro Verde parent or staff are welcome to participate.

What do we do? 

We organize and coordinate special events for students and staff, support teachers and administration by volunteering in classrooms or doing service projects, provide monthly breakfasts for the FV staff, organize fundraisers…all through parent power and donations!  Parent involvement helps parents gain more confidence in their school, helps students be more positive in their attitude toward the school, and lifts teacher and staff morale.

How can you help? 

You are welcome to join the WhatsApp group for instant notification of PTO planned events (Please contact +1 8584447887).  Additionally, the PTO will send communications through the school in which you can click on a link and sign up to be involved with specific events.

The Leadership Committee is open to anyone wanting to help develop the PTO’s calendar and activities.

Starting in January we will be developing additional activities to help parents engage with each other.

Thank you to all those who have helped get this group together.

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