There are a number of events we hold at Futuro Verde each year – events to look forward to from year to year and events which highlight our unique school culture, our students’ talents and creativity and our focus on sustainability and critical thinking. Each December, as the school year comes to a close, we hold a beautiful whole school celebration called RAP: Respeto, Armonia y Paz. This event began in 2016 with the intention to bring together our diverse school population with a showcase of memorable dances, music, theatre presentations, lyrical poetry and much, much more!

This year’s event is scheduled for Friday, December 7th and will include the same quality of unforgettable performances plus some additional surprises not to be missed, including special presentations from two of our graduating classes- Prepa and 9th grade.

We ask parents to help us in two ways as we prepare for this fun-filled event:

  1. Please encourage your child to actively participate in the event!
  2. Please plan to attend the day’s event as an audience member by setting aside the date now in your social and work calendar!

Thank you and see you at RAP 2018 on Friday, December 7th!

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