Welcome, families and students, to what is going to be an unforgettable and inspiring school year!

We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated and diverse group of educators and support staff who are prepared and motivated to assure that every child receives holistic learning opportunities, a safe space to explore and grow and an innovative educational environment.

Families come to Futuro Verde for many reasons: quality, rigor, fun, the art, sports, balance, peace, language (we teach 3!), a solid base for a successful life beyond primary and secondary years, a grounding in sustainable practices and many, many more excellent motivators!  What brings you to Futuro Verde this year?  What hopes and dreams do you have for your child and for the school year to come? Please let us know! When we work together we can achieve amazing things!

We hope one of your goals as parents this year is to be even more engaged in your child’s education and to help your child engage more in school life.  For the parents, we have several opportunities to play a larger role in your child’s life at Futuro Verde:

  1. align your home practices to FV’s sustainability initiatives. Consider sorting your recyclables, actively eliminating mosquito habitat in the home or improving home eating habits to include more local or pesticide free food options.

  2. make a commitment to come to all school activities and meetings.  There are so many ways to stay involved and informed. Come to Back to School Night, conferences, assembly meetings, and school fundraisers and show your Futuro Verde pride!

  3. reach out to your friends and family and encourage them to support our Capital Campaign which will help build the first sustainable school in Costa Rica.  Imagine the amazing education your child currently receives, but in state of the art and ecologically mindful facilities!

For students, we remind you of the following student life activities throughout the year:

  1. The Arts: start thinking now about your Student Arts Festival submission or your ACEP painting

  2. Sports: this is the year to try out for the Swim, Beach Volleyball, Track and Field or Cross Country.  Speak with Alejandro, FV’s athletic director, for more information on teams we offer.

  3. Music: remember that if you love your music classes, you can perfect your skills further by joining our partner, The Escuela de Musica de Cobano’s, weekend music school.  This could be your year to start mastering your musical skills!

  4. After school clubs: Whether it is homework and tutoring or exploring a passion, FV clubs offer great after school fun.  Start off the year by choosing between: art, puppetry, tutoring or gymnastics.  Guitar, ukulele, basketball and other new clubs will join the schedule next trimester.

  5. Student government: A renewed Social Studies curriculum will offer exciting student leadership opportunities at most grade levels.  Bring your great ideas and help make a difference in your school!

I send you deep appreciation for your confidence in us as a school and your preference for Futuro Verde! We are an amazing mix of families, students and staff from all over the peninsula and all over the world. Please appreciate and enjoy the enrichment that Futuro Verde has to offer and thank you- we appreciate your efforts to support our bilingual international and non-profit school project!

Lural Ramírez
Futuro Verde
Inspiration. Dedication. Innovation.

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