“700 words? Ugh, I don’t think I can write that much,” whined a 9th grader recently. A nearby 12th grader snorted a laugh and assured the student, “Of course you can. And when you are an IB student, you will think that a 1400 word essay is nothing.” The ability to compose an analytical, well researched essay, highlighting critical thinking and demonstrating metacognition is a hallmark of an IB student. These qualities make graduates of an IB education stand out in the university setting. In fact, for students applying to universities, both here in Costa Rica and abroad, the skills learned at an IB school make that application process a breeze!

Statistically speaking, IB diploma graduates are more likely to attend university, are more likely to graduate university, and are oftentimes more likely to graduate in less time. In addition, IB research has found that IB diploma students have been cited as demonstrating the following skills, all critical for successful university studies:

  • Interest and experience in research
  • Time management and organizational skills
  • Critical thinking, inquiry and problem solving
  • Strong language and writing skills
  • International-mindedness and a sense of responsibility for the community. 

Ultimately, what students, and parents, want is to graduate prepared to continue their studies, whatever and wherever they might be. And while in primary and secondary school, they want to pursue their interest and be encouraged to follow their own lines of inquiry. They want their coursework to have meaning and to connect their local community and experience with a global community and international overview. All of this is aligned with the IB program from preschool to graduates. 

At Futuro Verde we are continually and constantly working to further align our curriculum with IB while simultaneously adhering to all MEP requirements. We have strived to provide students with meaningful and connected learning by implementing teacher collaboration for purposeful links across subjects. And, as a school, in this diverse community and in an ever increasing global society, we explore international mindedness together.

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