This has been a challenging year for all students, but for our 12th graders, finishing internal assessment tasks and preparing for exams with the uncertainty of whether or not these exams would, in fact, take place, was particularly challenging and stressful. The wonderful news is that they were all successful in completing and handing in all their work and uploading it to IB to be examined externally by IB examiners. Furthermore, Futuro Verde was one of only three IB World schools in Costa Rica to elect to hold in-person exams, permitted by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. After in depth investigation regarding the required health protocols and the methods and algorithms used by the IB to calculate scores when no in person exams are conducted, it was clear that it was in our students best interest to sit the exams, if possible. Worldwide, roughly 75% of IB students sat exams with only 25% electing the alternative assessment route.

On November 13th, the 12th graders finished their last exams, which were sent off via DHL to England to be distributed internationally for assessment. Final scores will be released to the students in early January. We are so proud of their achievement, no matter what their scores! Meanwhile, our 12th graders are wasting no time as they prepare university applications, find employment while they wait for university admission, and prepare for their graduation.

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