Club Modelo de Naciones Unidas en Futuro Verde

As many of you have already heard, the year 2020 marks the beginning of our new Model United Nations Club as one of our extracurricular activities. We have already successfully completed the process of admitting students to the club and are very excited to announce the various activities we are organizing, as well as the conferences we will be participating in throughout the school year.

Here are some important dates regarding the Model U.N. Club:

  • During the months of April and May we will be collaborating with SEK International School in San Jose with the goal of having informative training sessions for our MUN Club students.
  • We will collaborate with La Paz Community School, a school in the Guanacaste area to conduct training sessions.
  • On August 29th and 30th, we will be attending the first inter-school conference at the East MUN Conference, where students from Model U.N. clubs across the country are participating.
  • On September 25th, 26th and 27th we will be attending the national CRIMUN conference in San Jose.
  • Our last event will be participating and collaborating with the Model United Nations Club at United World Colleges (UWC).

It is very inspiring that our participating students can be part of this great opportunity. Not only will they develop skills throughout the learning process such as formal writing skills, public speaking, and debate, among others, but they will also be able to get to know new places and make new friends.


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