This May 17th there is an extraordinary meeting of the FV General Assembly. Our annual meeting is held every October and is set up as a time to review the school’s finances and to report yearly achievements. Each year, we hold an extraordinary assembly in order to make big financial decisions for the coming school year. This meeting specifically focuses on any decision related to tuition increases for the coming school year. All parents are invited and expected to attend this important meeting.

This year, we are modifying the dates and procedures related to the registration process for the coming year and the following school years. This is a big change for families who have been with us for many years and I want to take the time to explain the reasons behind this big change.

For years, Futuro Verde has given priority for registration to recurring families up until the month of December of the current school year. The new process does not give such a long priority period for registration of returning students. The reason we have made this change is simple and is two-fold.

  1. Futuro Verde operates financially based almost exclusively on tuition payments. All of us have big expenses in the month of December and leaving the window for registration for recurring families open until December means that Futuro Verde confronts a yearly struggle to meet our financial needs during the closing month of the school year. Confirming registration for the coming school year half way through the current school year allows us to meet our December financial obligations with less stress.
  2. Futuro Verde is growing every year and multiple grade levels are wait-listed for the 2019 school year already. Making accurate projections for staffing and building needs has to happen for Futuro Verde much earlier than December and families who are wait-listed also need confirmation far earlier in the year than December.

Below, I will detail for you once again (this was sent already in an email) the different processes and dates associated with this change. I remind you that tuition price proposals for next year will be shared, discussed and voted upon during our meeting on May 17th.

  • Priority, reduced-rate pre-registration window for the 2019 school year: June 1st-July 31st.
  • Scholarship applications are received: June 1st-15th
  • Scholarship applications will be reviewed: June 16th- July 13th
  • Scholarships will be announced: the week of July 17th.
  • August 1st: Pre-registration period, with discount in registration price, ends. Wait-listed students can register for the new school year. (current students lose priority for their spot unless they have paid their 2019 registration). 
  • August 1st on: Registration price discount ends.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the administrative team and we are happy to meet with you to discuss your concerns directly.

Thank you for your understanding and support of this important change in support of the proper functioning of our school!

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