
In Futuro Verde we are always looking for new ways to attract donations to support our growing student population while minimizing the impact on our community’s finances. The Barba Challenge, for example, received a large percentage of donations from people outside of our community. We also are constantly looking for other institutions that are willing to support us through the donations of necessary material donations like the donation from Copernicus in the previous years, the Microscopes brought to us by Hautlieu School in Jersey, United Kingdom that visited us this October, and the educational materials donated by the International School de Nido de Aguilas in Santiago, Chile that are currently in route.

Another easy way that we can all give, are the three services AmazonSmile, Giving Assistant and Through AmazonSmiles you can make your normal Amazon purchases with the difference that a percentage of the purchase will go to our school. This has no negative impact on the shopper. Giving Assistant and work slightly different. Once inside the websites you will find coupons that you can use to purchase things from a variety of companies. Again a percentage of the proceeds will go to Futuro Verde.

To use any of these you must go to the following website: At the end of the page you will find a link to each of the three services. It is important that you always enter through these links as they are associated to our institution. They do not change so you can bookmark them for future use.

Please share this with whomever you know! The percentages are small but if we get a lot of people to consistently use them, the impact could be huge. Remember there is strength in numbers!

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