During this time of uncertainty, where the number of cases in our area has been increasing, Futuro Verde continues to work in order to provide educational services to all of our students. We improve and learn day by day which leads us to offer the modality of virtual lessons and in campus lessons. Our goal is to offer spaces for students where they can continue with their lessons without interrupting their learning process.

A group of teachers and members of the administrative team have worked hard creating the virtual schedules shared above and we will continue working on improving and offering the best virtual education to students when necessary.

It is important for you to consider that even though due to the positive cases of Covid-19 that have been presented in the past and that have forced us to change to on-line lessons in certain grades, these classes are still just as important as the in-person ones. We would like to share with you some tips to follow during these weeks: 

  •  Keep basic materials handy, such as a notebook, white sheets of paper, and a pencil case with supplies. 
  • Follow the virtual class schedule so that your child can be accompanied by the teacher synchronously and asynchronously throughout the day.
  • Contact the teachers at the end of the week and stay informed of your child’s progress.

If you have any questions, all the teachers and staff are here to help.

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