World Water Day

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 to reflect on the importance of this natural resource that allows us to live. We are very fortunate to live in an area where there is water everywhere and we do not have to travel to get drinking water. In spite of this, there is a lack of awareness about the proper use of this natural resource. That is why the celebration of World Water Day is extremely important, as it allows us to remember how urgent it is to use water responsibly and to be grateful for its abundance.

Possibly the misuse of water results from ignorance, as few have any idea that more than 2 million people do not have access to safe water or have to ration their use on a daily basis due to the threat of drought. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have reinforced the importance of water as hand washing is essential to control the spread of the virus. This reinforces the need to make proper use of the resource so that it remains available now and in the future.

As part of the celebration World Water Celebration and with the interest of providing information about water management in Montezuma, we present to you an interview with Donatella Luxardo, president of the ASADA of Montezuma, who was kind enough to answer questions generated by the students about the ASADA and its operation. Below are the questions that were asked to Donatella:

What is the ASADA?

The Asociaciones Administradoras de Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Sanitarios (ASADAS) is the administrative body of communal aqueducts and sewers. The ASADAS operate as non-profit organizations, have five members, a fiscal, which are volunteer members who are elected by the community in assembly. It is worth mentioning that the ASADAS are regulated by the Ministry of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA), the national water resource administration entity. 

How many ASADAS are there in Cóbano?

The aqueduct of Cobano, Santa Teresa and Mal Pais is administered directly by AyA. In the other towns there is an association that manages the aqueduct, for example ASADA Montezuma, ASADA El Molino de Delicias and ASADA San Isidro. Currently the ASADA of Montezuma and Delicias have agreements established with AyA.

How many users does the Montezuma ASADA have?

Currently the ASADA has 310 users.

How much is the average monthly consumption of the users?

The consumption per user depends on the area of usufruct. The central area of the town is where there is more consumption, mainly due to the number of hotels and restaurants located in the area. In residential areas consumption is normally less than 30 m3.

What are ASADA’s plans for the short and long term?

In the next few months we will be working on the connection of two new wells to supply certain densely populated neighborhoods. In the long term we intend to start building a sanitary sewer system from the Montezuma School to Las Palmeras Beach.

Stay tuned for the second part of this interview, which we will transmit through a conversation on Zoom, in which we will discuss the origin of our water, how to use water responsibly, and how to save water consumption, among other topics.

Thank you very much for reading us and remember that water runs out drop by drop.

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