IB Student Attributes

IB Student Attributes

Choosing to enter the International Baccalaureate Diploma program must respond to a set of previously forged circumstances and well-considered decisions on the part of students, families and educational center.

This is because the diploma is obtained not only by passing 6 intensive classes from different academic areas, but also by involving young people in a process of inquiry and continuous personal reflection. For two years students complete courses in which they must stay actively involved in reading and research processes, personal or group projects where they serve their community, as well as the school and themselves, through creativity and physical activity.

In that sense, an IB student must be characterized, initially, by a genuine interest and motivation towards the program. What interests us most is the well-being and academic growth of each one of them, however that progress also depends, to a great extent, on their emotional health. Thus, we prioritize the fact that your participation in the diploma is a personal commitment, as this will keep motivation and commitment alive.

Other attributes that should be considered are, for example, the ability to self-manage, good time management, integrity and responsibility. These qualities, along with academic skills, are essential for a path of success to be built during the program. Therefore, we strive so that our students have great opportunities to gradually develop and prepare these skills during the years prior to the Diploma. We are convinced that this program, and the attributes that young people develop in it, are the keys to a wide range of possibilities for your future.

On my behalf, I feel very satisfied to have the opportunity to accompany them in this process as the coordinator of the program. I hope that both my professional training, as well as my experience working for years at the this school and knowing these young people from a very young age, will be of great help to guide them to answer the doubts and concerns that arise along the way, but also to teach them to trust themselves and celebrate each of their successes!

Atributos del alumno del IB

Atributos del alumno del IB

Optar por ingresar al programa del Diploma del Bachillerato internacional, debe responder a un conjunto de circunstancias previamente forjadas y decisiones bien meditadas de parte de estudiantes, familias y centro educativo.

Esto, debido a que el diploma se obtiene no solo mediante la aprobación de 6 clases intensivas de diferentes áreas académicas, sino que también involucra a los jóvenes en un proceso de indagación y continua reflexión personal mediante cursos en las que, durante 2 años, deben mantenerse involucrados en procesos de lectura e investigación y proyectos personales o grupales con los que sirvan a su comunidad, a la escuela y sí mismos, con creatividad y actividad física.

En ese sentido, un alumno de IB debe caracterizarse, inicialmente, por un interés y motivación genuinos hacia el programa. Lo que más nos interesa es el bienestar y el crecimiento académico de cada uno de ellos, pero ese progreso depende también, en gran medida, de su salud emocional. Así, priorizamos el hecho de que su participación en el diploma sea un compromiso personal, ya que esto mantendrá viva la motivación y el empeño.

Otros atributos que deben contemplarse son, por ejemplo, la capacidad de autogestión, el buen manejo del tiempo, la integridad y la responsabilidad, pues estos son indispensables para que, en conjunto con las capacidades académicas, se construya un camino exitoso durante el programa.

Por ende, nos esforzamos para que nuestros alumnos tengan grandes oportunidades de prepararse y desarrollar poco a poco estas capacidades durante los años previos al Diploma, pues estamos convencidos de que este programa y los atributos que los jóvenes desarrollan en él, son la llave a una amplia gama de posibilidades para su futuro.

Por mi parte, me siento muy satisfecha con la oportunidad de acompañarlos en este proceso siendo la coordinadora del programa y espero que, tanto mi formación profesional, así como mi experiencia trabajando por años en la escuela y conociendo a estos jóvenes desde muy pequeños, sean de gran ayuda para guiarlos a responder las dudas e inquietudes que surjan en el camino, pero también para enseñarles a confiar en sí mismos y a celebrar cada uno de sus éxitos.

Costa Rican Civic Week

Costa Rican Civic Week

The month of September is a month of celebration throughout Central America and, for this reason, in Costa Rica, for example, we call it “the month of the homeland”. This is because on these dates each country celebrates the important process that began the night before September 15, 1821, when the representatives of the towns that previously made up the Captaincy General of Guatemala, decided to draft a document to demand to declare themselves independent from Spain. Those people who fought together for their sovereignty in those years, are the current nations of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica.

In this way, events such as the journey undertaken by students from all over Central America with torch in hand, which begins on September 1 leaving Guatemala and ends, when it has passed from country to country, arriving in Cartago, Costa Rica on the night of September 14. This commemorates the journey that was made to bring the news of independence to each nation of the Captaincy, which was made with a torch that illuminated the way and today is a symbol of freedom.

At the end of the torch’s journey in Cartago, when it is received by the president of our country, it is customary to start the parade of lanterns, which reminds us of the moment when the neighbors of Guatemala went out at night, with lamp in hand, around the place where the act of independence was being drafted, to demonstrate their enthusiasm and support for such a decision.

However, the celebration does not end like that, since the news of independence generated so much joy among the people, that we can remember how every September 15 the streets were filled with the beating of drums and colorful parades that reflect the joy with which the Central Americans started on that road to freedom.

It has been 200 years of journey, in which they have struggled to build a solidary, peaceful and hard-working nation. The journey has not been easy and we are far from being a perfect nation, but we can feel grateful to have a soil that gives us shelter and provides us with tranquility and stability.
Whether it is because we were born in this little piece of land, or because at a certain moment we decided to make it our home, let us feel privileged to be celebrating another year of freedom.

Costa Rican Civic Week

Semana Cívica Costarricense 2021

El mes de septiembre es un mes de celebración en toda Centroamérica y, por ello, en Costa Rica, por ejemplo, le llamamos: “el mes de la patria”. Esto se debe a que en estas fechas cada país festeja el importante proceso que se inició la noche anterior al 15 de septiembre de 1821, cuando los representantes de los pueblos que antes conformaban la Capitanía General de Guatemala, deciden redactar un documento para exigir declararse como independientes de España. Esos pueblos que lucharon juntos por su soberanía en aquellos años, son las actuales Naciones de Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador y Costa Rica.

De esta manera, se realizan eventos como el recorrido que emprenden estudiantes de toda Centroamérica con antorcha en mano, el cual inicia el 1 de septiembre saliendo de Guatemala y finaliza, cuando haya pasado de país en país, al llegar a Cartago de Costa Rica la noche del 14 de septiembre. Así se conmemora el recorrido que se realizó para llevar la noticia de la independencia a cada nación de la Capitanía, el cual se realizó con una tea que iluminaba el camino y que hoy es símbolo de libertad.

Cuando culmina el viaje de esa antorcha en Cartago, al ser recibida por el presidente de nuestro país, se acostumbra iniciar el desfile de faroles, el cual nos recuerda el momento en el que los vecinos de Guatemala salieron de noche, con lámpara en mano, a los alrededores del lugar en el que se estaba redactando el acta de independencia, para demostrar su entusiasmo y su apoyo a tal decisión.

Sin embargo, la celebración no termina así, ya que es tanto el regocijo que genera en el pueblo la noticia de la independencia, que podemos recordar cómo cada 15 de setiembre se llenaban las calles con el redoble de tambores y con coloridos desfiles que son reflejo de la alegría con la que los centroamericanos iniciaron en ese camino de libertad.

Han sido 200 años de camino, en el que se ha luchado por construir una nación solidaria, pacífica y trabajadora. El trayecto no ha sido fácil y estamos lejos de ser una Nación perfecta, pero podemos sentirnos agradecidos de contar con un suelo que nos da abrigo y que nos brinda tranquilidad y estabilidad.

Ya sea porque nos tocó nacer en este pedacito de tierra, o porque en determinado momento decidimos convertirlo en nuestro hogar, pero sintámonos privilegiados de estar festejando otro año de libertad.

International Social Justice Day

International Social Justice Day

This past February 20th was the International Day of Social Justice and what better opportunity than this to dedicate a few minutes of our time to ask ourselves how involved we are when a situation seems unjust, how informed we are about the reality that many people around the world live, and the existing possibilities to combat this problem.

A primary need related to this topic begins through the understanding that our perception of what is unfair or unjust is determined by our own reality. Thus, our personal history inclines us to be more or less empathetic to these situations. Therefore, a wise process to generate awareness of the unjust conditions faced by many people would begin with the simple exercise of trying to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Asking ourselves, “What would I feel in those living conditions or in that specific situation?” and, at the same time, understanding that each person’s reality is not necessarily the result of personal decisions or merits, not even in our own case. Not everything we get in life is because we deserve it; this applies mainly to the privileged.

With these simple questions it is possible to begin a very significant contribution to the unstoppable struggle for social justice, which is the objective of celebrating this type of world commemoration.