Conferencias guiadas por los estudiantes

Conferencias guiadas por los estudiantes

Marque sus calendarios, las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes se realizarán el 10 de septiembre de 2018. Planifique que su hijo esté presente para dirigir la conferencia. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una parte integral de la cultura de Futuro Verde y tienen muchos beneficios tanto para los padres como para los estudiantes.

Como padres, su papel en la conferencia es escuchar a su hijo(a) mientras explica sus éxitos, crecimiento, reflexiones y metas para el futuro. Luego, también es importante que le comparta sus observaciones sobre las áreas de crecimiento que ha visto y desea que logre.

El papel del estudiante es expresar su propio crecimiento dentro del proceso de aprendizaje a través de muestras de trabajo, reflexiones y la formulación de metas. Esperamos que los estudiantes compartan su información de manera organizada, sean buenos comunicadores y puedan responder a sus preguntas a medida que surjan para aclarar su aprendizaje.

A diferencia de las conferencias entre padres y maestros, el papel del docente es principalmente ayudar a facilitar la conferencia, con el estudiante como líder. Los maestros guiarán a los estudiantes a través del proceso de reflexión a medida que se preparan para compartir su aprendizaje en este formato específico. Debido a que desempeñan un papel más pasivo en este tipo de conferencias, es posible que el docente facilite varias conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes a la vez.

En Futuro Verde, nos esforzamos para que nuestros estudiantes se conviertan en pensadores críticos, comunicadores efectivos, independientes y reflexivos. La investigación señala que las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una forma de involucrar activamente a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje y brindarles oportunidades para desarrollar los rasgos mencionados anteriormente. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes también les permiten a los padres jugar un papel más activo en la educación de sus hijos, ofreciendo tiempo y espacio para compartir el aprendizaje y hacer preguntas aclaratorias. Futuro Verde les da la bienvenida a todas las familias a participar en este día especial compartiendo los logros y las oportunidades de crecimiento de su estudiante.

IB authorization – Nearing the finish line

IB authorization – Nearing the finish line

After almost three years, Futuro Verde is nearing the culmination of our process to secure authorization as an IB World School to offer the IB Diploma Program. Following the visit by two inspectors at the end of May, we received the written response listing the outstanding items that still need to be completed before the official judgment will be made.

We are working hard to finish the biology lab, expand the library, and purchase the resources we need to successfully introduce the IB Diploma at Futuro Verde. Once we submit proof that the outstanding items have been completed, we hope to hear the final decision within the next two or three months.

Thank you to all our teachers, parents and students for your support during this application process. We are excited to be getting closer to the finish line!

*Centro Educativo Futuro Verde is a candidate school* for the Diploma Programme.  This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School.  These are schools that share a common philosophy- a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Centro Educativo Futuro Verde believes is important for our students. Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the Career-related Programme (CP).  Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
FV’s sport: positive half-term year report!

FV’s sport: positive half-term year report!

student swimming

This year Futuro Verde has given many positive things to talk about in the field of sports at local, regional, interregional and national levels. We have had a very productive and successful six months. Both in team sports such as basketball and in individual sports such as swimming, chess, table tennis and cross country, the name of our institution was well represented by our athletes. Among our most important achievements, we can highlight that in cross country two of our students reached the national level, where one of them had an outstanding participation. In chess, basketball and table tennis our athletes advanced to the interregional level, only a small step away from nationals. In swimming, 13 of our swimmers classified to the national competition with all of our students in category A and B obtaining at least one bronze medal. At the secondary national level, one of our two athletes achieved the podium obtaining a bronze medal.

The competitive sport’s season of the Ministry of Public Education is over. However, this does not mean that opportunities for our students to get involved in sports have come to an end. For the rest of the year, we are planning different student and family events, including a volleyball tournament, a chess tournament, and a cross country run. There will also be opportunities to participate in a basketball academy for all ages and a swimming club.

As you can see, we expect a third trimester full of opportunities for all students. I hope to continue counting on your support and to see family members getting involved.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved in any of the upcoming events do not hesitate to contact me:


Alejandro Ramírez Urías

Athletic Director


Beautiful Infrastructure Improvements Support Student Learning

Beautiful Infrastructure Improvements Support Student Learning

Just the other day I was talking with a parent who has been a part of the Futuro Verde family for 6 years now. As we talked about the changes that have happened over the years, we both celebrated curricular, staff and organizational improvements and awed at the quantity of growth our little jungle school has seen in such a relatively short amount of time. So, what are the latest improvements you ask? In one word- Infrastructure! Please enjoy the photos of our newly updated spaces and please consider coming by for a personal tour. We’d love to have you!


Thank you to all our donors and supporters who have helped make these infrastructure improvements a reality. Stay tuned families and Futuro Verde supporters- more infrastructure improvements are still to come!

Costa Rican Independence Celebrations

Costa Rican Independence Celebrations

September is a month of celebrations throughout Central America and for that reason, in Costa Rica, we call it “the month of our fatherland”. This is because at this time, each Central American nation celebrates the important process that began on the eve of September 15th, 1821, when the rulers of the current Central American countries, which in the past were part of a territory named ‘General Captaincy of Guatemala’ belonging to Spain, decided to write a document that declared the independence of the entire region.

The celebrations include, for instance, students from all over Central America running with a torch along a route that starts on the 1st of September in Guatemala and ends in Cartago, Costa Rica, on the night of the 14th of September. The Torch Run commemorates the route along which the news of independence was carried from nation to nation with a burning torch illuminating the road ahead. Today, the torch has become a symbol of freedom.

The culminating moment of the Torch Run is when our nation´s president receives it in Cartago. At that moment, the lantern parades commence in each town, recalling the moment when the inhabitants of Guatemala took to the streets, carrying lanterns in their hands, to demonstrate their enthusiasm and support, in the area where the Act of Independence was being drawn up. The celebrations, however, do not end here, because the rejoicing was such that every September 15th the streets fill with the sounds of the drum roll and the sights of colorful parades, as an expression of the sheer joy with which the Central American people walked their path of freedom.


Our Trash, Our Community and Futuro Verde

Our Trash, Our Community and Futuro Verde

Nature, its ecosystems, and natural resources are the mainstay of humanity. Although this assertion seems to be very obvious and common knowledge among even the youngest of children, human beings repeatedly act against this principle, with their actions directly affecting the integrity of our ecosystems and the services they provide us with. The foregoing often occurs due to a lack of education or interest, poor administration of district services and/or a lack of priorities.

During last July, as we all know, essential waste collection and disposal services in the entire Cobano district were suspended due to an alleged budget shortage.

In the aftermath of this terrible news and the problem it has unleashed, it is very gratifying to see how people have come together and focused all their effort and energy on seeking a solution to the unmeasured production of waste. Among various measures carried out, worth mentioning are the remodeling of Montezuma’s collection centers, the reduction of solid waste, and efforts to educate the public about the management of recyclable materials and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our gorgeous part of Planet Earth healthy. At Futuro Verde, we work on our commitment to protect and conserve nature every day. We have renovated our recycling center with the aim of being able to sort and dispose of recyclable materials from both the school and the members of our school community who do not have waste collection services in their neighborhoods. We are very much aware that any measure is insufficient when it is not accompanied by educational efforts, which is why we are promoting values linked to nature conservancy, waste reduction, and recycling more than ever.

Finally, we wish to share some suggestions with you regarding how to reduce solid waste at home:

– Buy only what is necessary and, when possible, what is biodegradable.

– Eliminate the consumption of disposable products (straws, plastic cutlery, glasses, dishes, among others).

– Reduce the consumption of products containing several wrappings and the Tetra Pak.

– Use returnable containers.

– Preferably use glasses or ceramic glasses, cups, and dishes.

– Use reusable bags instead of asking for plastic bags.

– Use rechargeable batteries.

– Try to use cloth napkins.

– Use organic waste for composting.