Facilities a Key Objective for Futuro Verde in 2022

Facilities a Key Objective for Futuro Verde in 2022

One of the key objectives of the Junta in the 2021 – 22 school year was the creation and distribution of a strategic planning survey to gain important insight from all stakeholders in our school community. Based on 111 survey respondents, facilities & maintenance was identified as one of the top three most urgent priorities for Futuro Verde only behind teacher retention & training.

As a result, the board of directors set focus on making significant progress on our facilities over the break, including improvements to the physical education facilities, water infrastructure and beautification projects to enhance the aesthetic appeal of campus. With the help of our support staff and the team at Torogoz, we were able to kick off the 2022-23 school year.

Soccer Field

With a design concept and project scope provided by Ricardo at Torogoz, we utilized the last 3 weeks of break to complete the grading, water infrastructure, and installation of sod to complete our new multi-use sports field. Although the rainy season limited the use of the field in our first few months, our physical education department started using the field, which is a big improvement from last year. We are excited to continue expanding our physical education facilities to offer more recreational activities on-site for students.

Rain Water Infrastructure

Do you remember how bad the entrance to the school parking lot was? What about how bad mosquitoes were during the rainy season? You have difficulty recalling since many of our infrastructure projects are effectively working behind the scenes to address these issues. Although these projects do not have the same “curb appeal” as a new sports field, they are hard at work moving water through the campus, addressing erosion, and eliminating stagnant water and mosquito larvae. Next time you are on campus take a look at some of these features and see how they contribute to the long-term health of our school ecosystem!

Campus Beautification

In addition to the projects listed above, Futuro Verde hosted its first beautification day in September to focus on the entrance of the school. Since this event, we have planted an additional 2,000 new drought tolerant plants on campus that have enhanced the visual aesthetics of the school. These plants also serve practical functions such as erosion control, framing walkways and trails, and most importantly, carbon sequestration. 

Although we have more work ahead, the progress we have made in just a few short months keeps us inspired to continue maintaining and enhancing our facilities. Thanks to everyone who has contributed their time, talent, or treasure to make Futuro Verde what it is today!

Composting for the Future

Composting for the Future

As we prepare for the planting season, Futuro Verde students and staff are shifting their focus to producing soil amendments that are good for the environment. With the help of our fiscal sponsor Green Wave, we will focus on establishing a composting program that will reduce water consumption, cut methane emissions in landfills, improve soil health and reduce the amount of food waste entering the trash.

The recipe for making compost that facilitates the growth of healthy microorganisms that break down our food waste is quite easy, requiring only four  ingredients:  nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and water. 

Nitrogen is an essential building block of life and facilitates growth and reproduction in both plants and animals. Green items for nitrogen include items such as grass clippings, food scraps and coffee grounds.

Another essential element for life is carbon, which can be found in brown plant material. Carbon is the primary food source for decomposers, keeping them alive while breaking down our waste. Carbon rich items for compost can include dead leaves, sticks, paper, or cardboard.

Like any other life form, compost also requires a balance of oxygen and water to survive. When combined with the right temperature and regular maintenance, you can create compost that builds healthy soil, reduces water usage, and eliminates pests at Futuro Verde.

To achieve our goal of creating a composting program at Futuro Verde, we will work in conjunction with Green Wave to train our teachers, staff and students to implement systems that will allow our food forest to flourish. The end result, a sustainable campus making a positive impact on the planet and growing food that will nourish our students today and into the Future!

Composting for the Future

Compostaje por el Futuro

Mientras nos preparamos para la temporada de siembra, los estudiantes y el personal de Futuro Verde están cambiando su enfoque hacia la producción de enmiendas del suelo que son buenas para el medio ambiente. Con la ayuda de nuestro patrocinador fiscal Green Wave, nos centraremos en establecer un programa de compostaje que reduzca el consumo de agua, reduzca las emisiones de metano en los vertederos, mejore la salud del suelo y reduzca la cantidad de residuos de alimentos que entran en la basura.

La receta para elaborar un compost que facilite el crecimiento de microorganismos sanos que descompongan nuestros residuos alimentarios es bastante sencilla, ya que sólo requiere cuatro ingredientes: nitrógeno, carbono, oxígeno y agua. 

El nitrógeno es un componente esencial de la vida y facilita el crecimiento y la reproducción tanto de las plantas como de los animales. Los elementos verdes para el nitrógeno incluyen elementos como los recortes de hierba, los restos de comida y los posos del café.

Otro elemento esencial para la vida es el carbono, que puede encontrarse en la materia vegetal marrón. El carbono es la principal fuente de alimento para los descomponedores, que los mantiene vivos mientras descomponen nuestros residuos. Los elementos ricos en carbono para el compost pueden ser hojas muertas, palos, papel o cartón.

Como cualquier otra forma de vida, el compost también requiere un equilibrio de oxígeno y agua para sobrevivir. Si se combina con la temperatura adecuada y un mantenimiento regular, en Futuro Verde se puede crear un compost que construya un suelo sano, reduzca el uso de agua y elimine las plagas.

Para lograr nuestro objetivo de crear un programa de compostaje en Futuro Verde, trabajaremos en conjunto con Green Wave para capacitar a nuestros maestros, personal y estudiantes para implementar sistemas que permitan que nuestro bosque de alimentos florezca. El resultado final, un campus sostenible que tiene un impacto positivo en el planeta y que cultiva alimentos que nutrirán a nuestros estudiantes hoy y en el futuro.